Monday, April 25, 2016

Dee Review: Truthwitch (The Witchlands, #1)

Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

Let me begin this entry by saying that it feels so fulfilling to finally have found the courage to write and publish my thoughts regarding a book, again. Well, I kind of stepped off the spotlight of blogging my book reviews for quite a long while as may be evident in the sequence of my blog entry dates. I wouldn't bore anyone with the details of my blogging hiatus, but just let me tell you that I never stopped reading in that span of off-time. 

Now, as I was going through my "Reads" from previous months, I couldn't exactly put my finger on one specific book to write a review about. Thanks to Goodreads that I was guided through this little dilemma. I chose Truthwitch to rave on tonight because I still can recall much of the feelings it gave me, regardless that it is not my most recent read. Back when this book came out, I was totally caught in the frenzy of the social media hype going all over it. I've seen fellow readers raving about it, mostly has real good things to say about it, and even famous authors too! The cover is gorgeous. So I got a hardback copy and I literally hugged it and caress the cover. Divine!

The content is even gorgeous than the cover of course. It is a debut novel for Miss Susan Dennard right? is it or is it not? I think so. So yeah, it is a high fantasy tale of the Witchlands focused into the story of two badass young women of great fighting skills and fascinating qualities. Safiya and Iseult are an unlikely pair of girls to become best of friends -- and in this case are what we call Threadsisters, but against all the unorthodox details, they are one badass pair of amazing warriors. I was instantly sucked into the rich tale and incredible world that Susan Dennard has introduced me to. It's really new to me. The concept and the vastness of everything was awesome. I feel like I am one of the main characters, most of the time. Hah. And the girls have this Bloodwitch on their tail who is so eager to get his hands on Safiya - who by the way is the only living Truthwitch after a long while.

The idea of having these different type of witches and what powers they wield is amazing. So brilliant and interesting. And spinning the tales of two different witches who absolutely love each other like sisters is incredibly gripping - at least for me, plus the romance and the intrigue is wow. The book has balance of all the elements in it. And as much as I want to do a thorough review of the book, I don't want to spoil things for people who haven't read it yet. and frankly because I'm afraid I might end up telling the whole story here, and that would be tragic.

So yeah, I can't imagine how long I have to wait for the next book. This is one of those books that you don't ever regret buying and keeping. Fascinating and incredible plot and characters, this book simply caught me. Rich tales, amazing adventures and badass ladies in the lead. I love the Witchlands!

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